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Google Helpouts, which offers help in video, is open for all users?

Written By Ankit Sharma on Friday, November 29, 2013 | 2:49 AM

Google Helpouts allow you to buy video calls with experts

The new Google service called Helpouts and functions as a kind of central councils interested in joining the experts in various fields . Nothing really new , but being something Google is wise to keep an eye.

The great thing about Helpouts , name of the new service that is still in the testing phase , is the facility infrastructure that Google offers to professionals and clients . In Helpouts enter video technology called Hangouts and the entire schedule management , payment , rankings and research for consumers . It's like an App Store for experts in certain subjects . And as in any Apps Store , Google gets a piece of the revenues - in this case 20 % .

Professionals and companies who decide to offer their services via Helpouts may charge per minute or session , in addition to offering services for free . Some already known to the service areas are : Home and garden , Computers and electronics, and Dining . There are reports that organizations like Sears and Weight Watchers are among Google's partners for this initiative .

A few centuries that the idea that " knowledge is power " is there. With Helpouts , Google wants to turn knowledge into profit - and share it with who dominates many areas of human knowledge . At first glance , everyone wins . At the time Helpouts is closed for invitations , but you can leave your email here if you have been interested in the idea . 

Google Helpouts is a system that helps users to learn anything and everything through video calls with experts. Until then, it was closed and demanded invitations, but now everyone (with a Google+ account) can use it.

And what can you learn there? This guy gives a force developers to Windows Phone, this one helps you understand Shakespeare, and this one teaches biochemistry and molecular biology.

The page shows Helpout qualifications - education, experience etc.. - Each coach, they are selected by Google. There is also the availability and price: Helpouts some are paid by the hour, others per session. (Google retains 20% of the tutor receive.) You can also see ratings and reviews of users.

There are also free Helpouts, usually offered by partner companies: for example, Weight Watchers teaches you to control your diet at parties, and Sephora teaches achieve perfect eyebrow. More firms will enter service soon.

According to Google said on its official blog:

    Today is just the beginning. We are starting small with few categories. The number of people giving help in Helpouts, as well as the types of help available - it will grow over time. The Helpouts may not be suitable for every occasion, and it will take time for users to get used to the interactions via video in real time. We expect the efficiency, convenience and global reach of Helpouts make people's lives easier in the long run.

The Helpouts remember a former Google product that failed: Google Answers. If you had a question, it was enough to pay a specific amount from $ 2 to an expert hired by Google to answer it. However, it was possible to search the questions already answered for free. The service was deactivated in late 2006 due to free competitors like Yahoo! Answers, but the files are still available.

Is that with video chat, the old idea of ​​Google Answers might work? Viewing. The Helpouts requires a Google+ account, but you must have a profile there - is increasingly difficult to escape this social network. [Via Helpouts Official Google Blog]


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