Was the writer Mark Twain once said that quitting smoking was easy, because he himself had done so hundreds of times.
If one of your purposes for the new year is to quit smoking, you should know that Android has published several applications that might not make it the easiest way, but maybe more fun. Effectively controls how much time has passed since you stopped smoking when money saved and even how it is reflected in the change in your health.
QuitNow !
QuitNow ! Is an application to quit smoking which allows you to know the exact time that has passed since the decision, how much money has saved and what are the repercussions on your body at the level of your health .
Quit Smoking
Quit Smoking is a flash application that helps you gradually reduce the amount of smoke in your body until you decide to stop smoking completely . Perfect for all those people who can not say "Enough " suddenly .
When you feel a strong desire to smoke , press the red button " Smoke " and fill the need and level of stress that is suffering , it calculates a while and asks if he can wait.
Smoke Control
Smoke Control is similar to the previous application , perfect for all those consumers who can not stop smoking immediately.
In addition to help manage the daily consumption imposes a daily limit to tell you how you can smoke .
Remember that quitting smoking is also an issue and attitude, read all instructions and the advice we give you in this article.
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