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How to hide IP address on Android devices?

Written By Ankit Sharma on Tuesday, January 21, 2014 | 5:12 AM

This article will give you a great trick to hide the Internet protocol address of your IP device.Your android is what you and your internet usage identifies a particular device. The own IP address is by no means foolproof, since you can change, masked and devious. In fact, it is possible to access a device in the U.S., and make it seem as if accessing from Moscow. However, some people prefer to hide your IP address because they want to make it more difficult for hackers, or they want to do something online you want to keep private. One of our users asked how to hide the IP address on Android devices. So in today's article I will show you how to hide the Internet Protocol address (IP) on Android devices.
  • Is there a fee to hide your IP address on Android device?
At the moment there is no way without hiding your IP address. Some companies may offer this type of service, but most starkly is lying to them or mask your IP address. Currently, unless a very good hacker, there is no way to hide your IP address in Android for free. 

  • Are there innocent reasons to hide your IP address on your Android?
 The most innocent reason to hide your IP address because it is part of the process to appear as if you're in a different country. This can be done for innocent reasons, for example, if you are in China, which can then be accessed through the Internet is highly regulated and controlled by the government.

If I wanted peeping real news that is not propaganda for the government, then you have to navigate to the protocols that say you are in a different country, and you will have to hide your IP address for that. Or, you can be in America and are not allowed to access an online casino (it's illegal), but you can make it look as if you are in the UK and play on one of the online casinos.
  • An Android VPN

They exist - after all, your Android mobile device is able to connect to the Internet , so it is not much of a stretch for you to have your own private network virtual.Al like an Internet ready computer , if you have VPN then your IP address is hidden because surfing from a server , which means it has the IP address of that server or network , which can change every time you connect , making it more difficult to trace the original surf actually happens .With VPN is also protected from people who know what you 're browsing because you are using a secure network . There are some applications that hide your IP address in leading others through a VPN. One is , although a hated company , allowing users to spam websites to keep operating ( because no one can find the owners .) However, you can use the program to hide your IP address.

  •     Hiding his ass
Using an application like Hidemyass does the same for your Android device to a proxy does on a PC or a Mac computer is able to carry all your surf through your Android browser and makes it the World Wide Web , a little like throwing a glass of tap water in the sea. And if this is not enough, it also lies behind the different identifiers randomly generated IP addresses , which means you can stay even more anonymous .
  •     Installing an application to hide my IP address

Before you do something like this , it is important to do some research on the company that issued it. A company that offers to do something like hide their browsing activities may be just covering the fact that they want to spy on you based on the assumption that you are using private browsing for financial matters . That's why you need to make sure you know with whom you are dealing .Read all installation instructions as you go , and you do not want to miss installing something correctly or not set proper configuration. Otherwise , your efforts to hide your iPhone can not succeed . You probably will have to download a file and a key, as is the way most of these applications work. Later you will need to enter that key to continue.

  •     Make sure you understand how it works
Do not assume that your navigation is now secure. There is a possibility that they will have their own dedicated browser for surfing secret . So not start using the regular Internet and / or browser and think you are hiding your IP address, since it may not . Make sure you know how to use it and follow the instructions of private browsing .

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  1. Nice information.Its very useful to hide my ip address.And i checked my ip address using this site


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