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Xbox Vs PS3 - Which is better?

Written By Ankit Sharma on Thursday, November 14, 2013 | 2:28 PM

As this became one of the most talked pots Blog , worth updating your data :

The games industry moved only in the first quarter of this year , about $ 5.9 billion . Consoles like PlayStation3 , Xbox360 , Nintendo Wii and the PC itself pull the line of the most popular platforms for those seeking entertainment in their games . However , rivalries and disputes related to this industry are not restricted to games .

How inflamed religious fanatics or fans of a team , there are also lovers PS3 or Xbox . It is no exaggeration . Just a small search for the name of the islands and you will find forums and communities in social networks where you can see the controversy that surrounds them . Who has better graphics , which has cheaper games , which has the best online network , finally , there are many arguments .

Some questions are quite common in relation to this dispute. How to know what the best : PS3 or Xbox ? This varies according to the interests of each person or not ? Therefore , we raise some important aspects that can help you draw your conclusions . If you've made ​​your choice , most probably cite a number of reasons that contributed to his decision and, moreover , it is unlikely that anything on earth do you change your mind .

Regarding the technical part , the PS3 games are on Blu - ray , or to be more modern, this type of media has 50GB of storage, which allows higher quality graphics. Already the Xbox uses DVD as media for recording your games . A DVD can hold up to 9 GB of storage , which can limit the quality of graphics compared to the competitor. But nowadays , both companies are betting heavy on content distribution over the Internet . As hardly a game overshadows the 11 Gb is completely viable you download and store your game in HD . PS3 and Xbox systems created to provide the games of previous versions for most current consoles . The PS3 takes advantage by area code BlueRay be the same in Brazil and the USA . So when there is a U.S. release , Brazilians can rest assured when ordering your games.

Regarding entertainment and gameplay , although the PS3 allow up to 7 people to play simultaneously against 4 Xbox , Microsoft is one of the greatest innovations of recent times : the Kinect . This device when connected to Xbox allows to play without the need for a joystick or other control in their hands. The success of Kinect is such that the device has entered the Guinness Book - the record books , as the electronic device sold faster since it was launched . If talking about games , exclusivity is also fierce . While the Xbox has exclusivity on titles such as Halo , Alan Wake and Gears of War , the PS3 has Metal Gear Solid , Gran Turismo and God of War badaladíssimo

One of the main attractions of both PS3 Xbox as is the ability to play multiplayer . The PSN , PlayStation Network is free and can be accessed by anyone with the console . But the PSN proved unsafe after an attack that kept him off the air for several days . Already Live , Xbox 's network is considered the most well-structured , with various features and integration with any Windows computer , ie , almost EVERYONE . Live despite being open and free , is only allowed to dispute online matches in the paid version .

Even with all its qualities , PS3 and Xbox also has its flaws . Who is on the subject surely have heard of the problem of the 3 red lights Xbox . This problem, which Microsoft said was solved with the exchange of a sign of the island , caused the burn unit and the user had to exchange it . Even if you have corrected the problem the Xbox today brings this bad reputation . And for those who do not think the PS3 has many similar cases , known as the Yellow Light of Death , which also resulted in the loss of the device .

With all the above information , will each decide which is best . Remember that despite the fluctuation in prices , it is now possible to buy PS3 or Xbox for less than a thousand dollars. So, which do you prefer?


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